Thursday, November 5, 2009

'Ski-Free' = Life Lesson?

Anyone who has been using computers long enough will likely remember this game, and the guy in the pictures below... and we all know that 'Oh shit!' was the first thing to go through your head when you saw him(her?).

Ski-Free Monster Now, maybe its because of all the crap that has happened lately, which I wont go into right now, and as lame and 'weird' as it may seem... I recently looked at this image, used in jest previously, and saw something completely different. What I saw was a life lesson, so-to-speak. No matter how hard you try or how high you jump or how many points you score... he will ALWAYS find you, and subsequently, eat you.

The same, in a sense, can be said about life in general. No matter how well you may thing things are going, sooner or later, something bad will happen. It's severity may not be the same as being eaten alive by an abominable snowman, but something less-than-desirable will occur and you just cant let yourself get bent out of shape about it.

Running from it wont work, as it will eventually catch up with you. Yet, slowing down wont work either, you're still heading, ultimately, in the same direction.

The point here is that you just need to keep doing what your doing, take your lumps and move-on (or start over if you're playing Ski-Free). Being afraid of what will happen in the future is no way to live because you end up short-changing yourself by worrying instead of living. You also cant ignore and just run from it, because what usually ends up happening is it all snowballs into one giant failure which can, and likely will, be more devastating than just letting it happen on its own.

In short... the Ski-Free monster always wins. All you can do is just continue to play the game.

An introduction of sorts...

Well here we are... blog number one. At this point I can't really tell you where this blog will go or how often it will be updated. Blogging is something that has crossed my mind plenty of times and I never really had the drive to just do it, because frankly, I doubt that what I have to say is all that interesting to anyone other than myself. Hence, the title of my blog.

I guess the easiest thing to write about is whats going on in your life, and Ive always been intrigued by why people on twitter/facebook and not so recently, AIM (via 'Away' messages) feel the need to update the world on what they are doing at that exact moment in time. When I log into facebook and see that 10 of my friends happen to be eating lunch right now and 2 are going to the gym after work I just cant help but thinking 'Wow, I am SO glad that I know what you are doing right now and in the near future. My day could not have gone on without that information.' Yes, that is sarcasm you are sensing.

Now, don't get me wrong. I wholeheartedly enjoy knowing what my friends are doing and what they are thinking... but I don't need to be updated multiple times a day. This is why I generally steer clear of facebook and twitter and chose to go the blog route. Again, thanks to Pete (Chip) for giving me the push I needed to get things going here.

I feel like all of the 'social networking' websites are really just a way for uninteresting people to fool themselves into thinking that their life is something so intriguing that other people actually care about what they are doing every minute of every day. I know I cant be the only one who thinks this way... but the fact of the matter is that social networking is hugely popular because well... people love to jump at the opportunity to increase their own self-worth, and realistically, Im no different (I am writing a blog, after all).

However, I think it has gotten to the point where its just 'too much'. Websites like facebook are great for keeping in touch with old friends or planning a party. It allows you to get in touch with people whom you would like to keep in touch with or go to a party with but also someone whom you don't speak with regularly and don't need in your cell phone's address book.

Twitter... wow. This one just amazes me. It is nothing more than a spin-off of facebook where the only feature is 'Status'. Twitter is a great tool for those seeking up-to-the-minute information about a certain subject (I happen to follow many hockey writers so that I know what is going on around the league) but, as an example, my wife follows Kris Allen (The most recent 'American Idol' winner) and his twitter posts consist regularly of 'Eating a X sandwich at Y restaurant in Z city'. Sorry, but that is not worth knowing and doesn't impact anyones life.

So there we have it... my general stance on 'social networking' and what it has become. This blog is my way to feel important and interesting, and it will not be updated 'on the hour' or anything like that and will not include posts such as 'I ate a pepperoni calzone at the cafeteria today'.

Some other topics you'll likely see covered often:
- Hockey
- Cars

The End